A true story for thousands of Dominican Families
Dominican children who drop out of school to chase the MLB dream, typically spend 9-15 years with little education and vocational training. Even those who “successfully” navigate this broken system, typically return home to the Dominican Republic empty handed, still facing an uphill battle to provide for themselves and their family.

Our Impact
First Year Accomplishments
8 USA College Scholarships & 1 MLB Contract Signed
New York Mets & Partnership with Dream Big Foundation
English Classes & Professional Certification Courses
Year-Round with IDFF & INFOTEP Certified Teachers
Lunch Program
Full Year Sponsored by More Than Baseball
Clean Drinking Water
Year-Round, Unlimited Supply
Provided by United Doctors & 24 Local Businesses
Pro-Style Baseball Practices
with Former New York Mets (MiLB) Player
Modern Gym
with IDFF Certified Trainers & Pro Style Training Systems
3,000+ Pounds of Baseball Equipment & Clothing
Donated by Friends, Teams & “Level The Playing Field” Foundation
School Supplies, Laptops & Smartphones
Donated by Friends of the Foundation
2 Dominican National Team Players
One “Baseball Island” Player…and our Head Coach!
3 Full-Time & 2 Part-Time Jobs Created
with Healthcare Benefits
Professional Development
ASSIMIL-Style English Lessons
Necessary school supplies included
Professional Development Courses
Scholarships provided. Internationally recognized certifications
Networking Experiences
Connected with internationally recognized experts, with backgrounds in sport medicine, sports business, government, and USA college coaches
Job Opportunities
We hire talented Dominican professionals and support local businesses to provide our Baseball Island Foundation programs.

Athletic Development
Baseball & Strength Training
Professional & NCAA Division 1 College Baseball Experience. Internationally Certified Strength Coaches (IDFF & NASM)
High-End Gym Access
Cutting edge strength training equipment
Baseball-Specific Yoga Classes
Led by former New York Yankees (Dominican Academy) Instructor, Ondina Sosa.
Basic Needs
& Supplies
Supplemental Meals
Lunch program provided by More Than Baseball
Clean Drinking Water (full-year supply)
for hundreds of local kids and coaches
Baseball Equipment & Clothing
3,000+ pounds shipped internationally & delivered to hundreds of players and coaches across the entire province of Samana.
Gently used laptop computers and cell phones

Help us build the most complete program in the Dominican Republic
USA College Scholarship Fund
Our university-ready boys can’t afford college showcase fees, passports, US Embassy fees & USA Flights ($19k USD)
30-Seat School Bus Purchase
& Full Year Transportation Program
An immediate game-changer for our community + 2 Full-Time Jobs Created ($40k USD)
Bilingual High School Program Launch (CENAPEC)
5 full-time teachers, led by former Colorado Rockies Director of Education ($98k USD)
Full “Community Campus” Sponsorship for 1 Year!
All of our existing programs as well as:
USA College Fund, School Bus & Bilingual High School Launch for 60 Student-Athletes: 12 Jobs Created & 7 Local Businesses Supported ($287k USD)